Wednesday, 25 November 2009

keeping my head down

I don't talk to anyone in the group if I can help it, it's better that way. Mostly I try to keep my head down unless someone asks me a direct question. People are coming and going all the time, as some finish their hours and some begin, the new ones ask questions. Not surprisingly the most common is 'why are you here?' Last Sunday, as we were clearing rubbish from an old churchyard, another new 'recruit' wandered over with the inevitable question. 'What did you do?' I say as little as possible 'I was caught with a bag of green going into a bar'. Later on in the morning he came up to me again, he had been thinking... 'You probably won't want to go back to the same dealer, I can fix you up with what you need'. You have to be a bit careful but a polite refusal doesn't usually offend. 'It's OK mate I'm already sorted'. Keep it ambiguous.

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